Our Trunk Shows Popped

February 28, 2023

7/27 3:23:23 UTC
Ten things we learned from our US trunk shows

Ojai, LA, San Francisco, New York, Boston, Chicago, here’s what we learned from you. Up next, Paris.

1. Business is the new sports, in that people are genuinely interested in following it and will root for their team.  We were surprised by how many people came out to support a small, women-led outdoor brand. Similarly, we came away inspired by everyone starting from scratch to build good businesses and good lives!  For a full list of brands with whom we partnered, see below.

2. Fleece 1.0 is a hit, and it’s equally loved by all genders and ages.

3. Men struggle with women-led unisex sizing. Because they’re more concerned about their weight than we realized, they struggle with the idea of “sizing up.”  Of course, women have long “sized down” to get good gear in a male-led sizing world, but in a culture that valorizes thinness, we often feel better about ourselves when we “fit into” a smaller size.

4. “Sample sizing” is sexist as hell. Ever notice how that one small, skinny girlfriend looks great in everything? That’s because everything was literally designed to look great on her. To develop a product, brands usually perfect a single size before creating patterns for the rest. In true gender-normative fashion, sample size for men is LARGE and for women it’s SMALL. Deviate from the ideal, and, well, you’ll wonder if it’s sitting right or complementing your features. Unfortunately, we fell for this conventional way of working in developing our first season. However, it’s also why we’re excited to offer made to measure inseam lengths on our Snow:Cycle Capsule.

5. The crypto kids are rad.  Even though most people think everyone into crypto is either some incel Elon fan OR a blathering intolerable nerd, we were thrilled to see so many lovely people who understand the potential of working together as a collective.

6. ZERO requests for XXXS but lots for XXXL — could have been the U.S., so we need to do a few more in Europe and Asia to be sure.

7. “Wow, you really put a lot of thought into this.” The number of times we heard this suggests that the industry has set people’s expectations pretty low.

8. We attracted a very diverse crew that genuinely enjoyed meeting each other. The more personal the space, the more mingling occurred.

9. People bike in street clothes everywhere. By looking at all the high performance bike brands out there, you’d think everyone on 2 wheels is a MAMIL (middle-aged men in lycra). So, we saw y’all and thanks for coming out.

10. We need to do more: next up Paris! Please help us spread the word. 

We couldn't have done this tour without our amazing partners:

Rose Los Angeles

Aster Farms


Another Tomorrow

Yola Mezcal

Forthave Spirits

Visitor Beer


Special shout out to Wine Unify for bringing the vibes in Boston.

Next up: Paris

Our next trunk show will be in Paris on March 5th. Want to come? Just shoot us a message at events@earlymajority.com to get the address!