It’s Mutual: Autonomy

December 20, 2021 Issue No. 32

7/26 5:26:54 UTC

COVID-19 has made many people reexamine their lives, but perhaps no aspect of the modern world has been as primed for reevaluation as jobs have been. The UK-based Autonomy runs a Feminist Futures Program that develops visions of the future to orient our political and economic actions today. They conduct data analysis and consult businesses on how to help companies maintain success without working their employees to death. The most obvious way, and one of Autonomy’s missions? The four-day workweek. 

Because Autonomy is completely independent, it relies on donations from people who support its mission and want to help discover ways for individuals to have happier and healthier work-life balance. 100 percent of profits from our Black Lodges collaboration will go to Autonomy.

From the archives: This piece originally appeared in the Early Majority Substack. Links and content may be outdated—become a member to access all new Tools for Leaning Out stories and content.