It's Mutual: Skateistan

November 4, 2021 Issue No. 27

7/26 10:43:25 UTC

Started in 2007, Skateistan is a nonprofit that provides skating-related educational opportunities to children in Cambodia, Jordan, South Africa, and, until recently, in Afghanistan. It also runs the Goodpush Alliance, which in Skateistan’s words is “... a global platform which supports other social skateboarding projects to develop and thrive.”

Skateistan is at an exciting point in their story, recently embarking on an ambitious expansion strategy with the aim of reaching 4,500 students every week by the end of 2022. They’re also looking to expand to 20 new locations around the world. You can find out a bit more about all of this here.

From the archives: This piece originally appeared in the Early Majority Substack. Links and content may be outdated—become a member to access all new Tools for Leaning Out stories and content.